Best strategy to set pagefile on VMs?
Hello, in our organization, we've deployed 9 ESX servers hosting servers and workstations. Currently, we use the Virtual Infrastructure Client to monitor memory and CPU usage per VM. We make sure that...
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I don't think you want to eliminate the page file from your windows servers. The OS expects and relies on this to be there. We've done exactly what we've always done with physical servers, except we...
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A Windows server needs virtual memory regardless of being on a physical or virtual system. Windows was designed to use virtual memory, and consequently, the operating system expects virtual memory to...
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Thanks a lot for the links Bert, I am going over them as we speak. I've found some interesting details already: "It seems to me that if Windows can only allocate 4 GB of address space, then there...
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Thats not how memory works in Windows though. Just because it can't address more then 4GB physically, does not mean it cannot address more virtually. Each -application- believes it has 3GB of...
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Thanks Fred, I've taken your advice into consideration, along with esiebert's extensive collection of Memory related links and information. Since a virtualized server should be treated as a physical...
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